The team, pre march!
the paved road in Talanga
The banner at the front of the march
Over the past weekend, there was a Domestic Violence campaign here in town. It was absolutely beautiful to be a part of. I honestly think it is the most organized this town has ever been, and i am really proud of the message that it sent. Friday there was a great march (pics below) that had all different kinds of groups involved, from the church, boyscouts, schools, etc. It was really ncie to see people rally about something this is such an issue in this culture. After the march there was a rally and then a live band int he park.... of course an intergenerational dance party broke out... it was a ball!
Saturday we helped blow up balloons and set up altars and whatnot for the events of the night. There were some speakers and another band to play faith and peace inspired music, a slide show that was very graphic but sent a beautiful message, a play where one of our own volunteers played a town drunk, and a candle light swervice.
Sunday concluded the campaign with a mass, and of course more music and dancing. There were also fireworks, which were significantly more dangerous than those at home, but also that much more breathtaking. What a weekend!
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