This first encounter wasn’t anything earth shattering, but it was certainly moving for me!
Mike and I were walking across town Saturday to go visit someone. The man we going to visit is a delegate of the word that we work with sometimes, and we both decided just to stop in for a bit. As we were walking, being that it is rainy season, the sky decided to open up and give us a bit of a shower. It wasn’t bad at first, just a sprinkling, but then it meant business! Neither of had brought an umbrella (which you should always have on you during rainy season here), and so we decided to stop at a local pupleria (like a convenience store) and stand under the overhang until the storm passed. We waited outside for a few minutes until the man running the store greeted us, and invited us in. We had never met the man before but he saw we were in a bit of a jam, and so was willing to give us shelter. We entered his store/house (here people just sell things out of their homes) and he pulled out chairs for us to sit in. We chatted about who knows what for about 20 minutes, and the air started to clear so we were on our way. Although it isn’t life changing, I just really enjoyed the warm attitude the man had, and thought it to be a great experience, and thought I would share it!
Sunday we went with a group of about 75 kids to ‘Missionarios Infantil’, or a type of kid’s missionary day. We loaded up two big yellow school busses with kids, parents, some CCD teachers and other people from the community and drive about two hours (although it felt like 3 or 4) to a town where all other types of kids groups were meeting to have a march, rally, and some skits. The kids absolutely loved it, and I enjoyed the kids’ happiness and energy. Although it was exhausting in many ways (it was about a 12 hr day with these kiddos), I am happy we went. Here are some pictures for your enjoyment!
Some of the kiddos from Talanga
it is interesting to keep hearing how freindly people are. It may be that they have so little and so much time that their lives are full of small pleasures despite what we would see as tough conditions. It seems your always off and running going to events that are made up of...people, not expensive but fun and meaningful.
love dad
I know I say it alot, but I am SO thankful you take the time to share your life with us! I always get a visual going with your great descriptive words. You have a way of getting your feelings across - or maybe it's the way you make me feel while reading - regardless - I'm in awe. I appreciate all your stories and am learning alot - and I really enjoy the little stories within - such as your experience in the downpour. I can't reiterate enough how lucky the Honduran's are to have been Blessed with you and your team, you are touching alot of lives ...HUGS !!!
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