Saturday, November 15, 2008


Hope everyone enjoys some pics from life here. they are a bit scattered, and for some reason i can´t type above there, but heres the low down..
1) Chico´s mom and grandmother in matching dresses after a mass for ferria.. I couldn´t resist!
2)The big mass on the saints day here. Sorry its dark, but I wanted to show just how many people there were!
3) My roommate came into our room to find the cat snuggles up to my face one night while I was sleeping...
4,5,6) Piuctures from various parades during ferria
7) A mass during ferria where chico was the master of ceremonies
8)Mike driving our decorated car during one of the parades
9) Me really excited about our chore of sorting beans.. happens about three times a week
10)a great sunset in our town

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