Saturday, November 15, 2008


Here are some pics from around town.

Crazy guy that sings and plays in town lately during ferria

a cutie pie in town

Road to terrero

Me and bessie!

Futbolito... the nights games we ahve at the center of town

the way meat is delivered to the market... needless toi say we don´t buy meat in town

Typical traffic on the road

Playing in the wonder why the kiddos are always sick

The talanga version of dump trucks

One of the masses for ferria

Another mass on a different day

A parade for ferria

Two small children setting off cuetes.. the most dangerous for of fireworks i ahve ever encountered... they are even illegal in Honduras!

The next few are from all souls day in the cemetery

the altar for ferria

Melissa and one of the cuties in town trying on her glasses

Thats all the time i ahve for now, but I will post again soon and tell you all about the wonderful week that just passed. Hope everyone is well!


Dad said...

neat stuff, thanks for the update,

love dad

Unknown said...

I loved all the pix. Cute cat. It was fun talking to you the other night. I meant to ask if the spanish that is spoken where you are is spanish spanish or a dialect that includes of lot of the indigenous words.

Oh, and are the clinics associated with any organizations? or are they thru the government down there.

Love all the blogs....

Love you,

Aunt Leslie

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Beyond cool ;) Loved all of the pictures, but of course, my faves have you in them. I so see you in the bean picture saying "oh yeah, this is fun" and I love the 'innocent you' in the kitty pic! (awwww!!!) Looking at the rest of the pictures is such a great, colorful view of your life! I love seeing that! Thank you so much for taking the time to upload & post them - they are very appreciated - as you are :) Love & Hugs!

P.S. This is the same post I deleted, I was just playing when it gave me the option to delete, I didn't think it would :O Thankfully, I've goofed before so I always copy my post before I publish :O

Sarah said...

I love all the pics, makes it so much more real that you are really there doing all these awesome things! We might need to take Sef to one of those futbolito games, he loves soccer!!