So Tuesday, as you all know, we got a new President! We went to Guiamaca as usual, and worked for a few hours. Then, at about 10:00 our time (11 on the east coast) and went over to the rectory to watch the events unfold! Melissa and I went, along with the nursing students that were there, a few nuns, a priest and a few Hondurans that work for the church or are close to the American priest that resides there. It was a great ceremony, and although Obama's speech was dubbed in spanish, it was still touching to hear. I think that it was interesting to see the new President take office in a foreign country. When Honduras, for example, gets a new president, I doubt many people in the States could tell you about the inauguration. However, the news here was everywhere. On election day the front pages of every new paper in Honduras were plastered with pictures and quotes for our candidates. The next day, of course, Honduras rejoiced to see our liberal president elect. I think there are a lot of issues that will effect live down here, but none as obviously or openly as immigration. Although its obvious that republicans and democrats have different schools of thought when it comes to immigration, the people here have the opinion that Obama will completely reform any laws that once existed regarding border patrol,and open up the gates for immigrants. Its a huge issue that effects the economy, the social structure, well, basically every aspect of lives here. They were also very happy with Obama's approach to economic reform, meaning that the immigrants that are in the states now will be able to, at some point in the future, send money home for their families to live off of.
As we watched our new president take the oath I couldn't help but feel proud of our country. We really do have a hugely powerful country, one that hopefully will be on the upswing again before not too long.
Wednesday I went to talk to the Doctor at the medical center in town. Although the doctor is new there, he was welcoming and spoke with me for a while. I explained to him that i wanted to learn more about what they do there, the people that come to see them, the health of the Honduran people, etc, and he said I could certainly spend time with him and the staff there. I was pumped! Thursday morning I got up, and being the person that I am even arrived at the health center early. I then proceeded to wait an hour and a half for the doctor to present himself, while being virtually ignored by the nurses and other staff at the center. When the doctor finally arrived, along with a medical student, he completely ignored me! I couldn't believe it. I said good morning to him as he passed, and barely got a flinch from him. I then waited for 15 more minutes, to see if he might acknowledge me, and after he looked right at me and took the first patient in, I left. It was quite the frustrating experience, but I guess he just didn't want our help. His loss!
Today we had a scrimmage with our baseball teams against the other team from town and another team from a town about an hour and a half away. Laura and I went to pick up the kiddos from Rio Dulce, and there were 12 of them, which it is a great turnout! we were so excited, because the kids were so excited, that we forgot to get the gloves and balls! Eventually we went back to get them, and the proceeded to the stadium. We then played our tournament, and gave the kids lunches. They loved it. We loved it. And our team won, so it was really good reinforcement for them! All in all it was a great day!
Hope everyone is well!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
The week
Hello all! Things are going really well here, I am happy to report. Monday we had our weekly Domestic Violence group, and the women were all in good spirits. We had about 12 of them, and many brought their kids, which I have to admit, i´m becoming quite fond of ( its hard not to fall in love with them!). We somehow got into a conversation about cooking, and they asked me if I was able to make tortillas and beans and whatnot. I informed them that I could, and their response, without missing a beat, was that I would make a good wife one day. Its intersting to see how minds work so differently!
Tuesday and Wednesday Melissa and I spent in Guiamaca, at the clinic, working with some nursing students that are there for a few weeks to learn about public and community health. They have an instructor there also, but Melissa and I ahve been pitching in to help translate, and fill in for the teacher when possible. It has been really nice for me to be able to teach the students, and I think i´m learning also. They are all really nice girls, and I ahve had a lot of fun with them. Its good for me to brush up on the ´school´way to do things. Its also been kind of fun to be able to to share with them my experiences in public health, working with this population, and the interesting diseases and coonditions we have encountered here. Friday we took them for a tour of the AIDS hospice we visit, and i think they liked seeing the different social services availabe here. They raised some great questions, which made me think of all kinds of things I hadn´t yet considered. We will be working with them for a few more weeks, so I will be sure to keep you updated. Hope everyone is doing well and keeping warm!
Tuesday and Wednesday Melissa and I spent in Guiamaca, at the clinic, working with some nursing students that are there for a few weeks to learn about public and community health. They have an instructor there also, but Melissa and I ahve been pitching in to help translate, and fill in for the teacher when possible. It has been really nice for me to be able to teach the students, and I think i´m learning also. They are all really nice girls, and I ahve had a lot of fun with them. Its good for me to brush up on the ´school´way to do things. Its also been kind of fun to be able to to share with them my experiences in public health, working with this population, and the interesting diseases and coonditions we have encountered here. Friday we took them for a tour of the AIDS hospice we visit, and i think they liked seeing the different social services availabe here. They raised some great questions, which made me think of all kinds of things I hadn´t yet considered. We will be working with them for a few more weeks, so I will be sure to keep you updated. Hope everyone is doing well and keeping warm!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Things have been going really well here. Monday we had our domestic violence group, and all of the women seemed to be in good spirits. We started the group with the question “How was your new years and Christmas?” Virtually all of the women had the same response, that they didn’t have anything and didn’t eat anything, but they were with their families and had their health, so it was a great new years and Christmas. They continue reaffirm my belief in the power of being grateful and thankful. It’s a beautiful thing, and I am really lucky to have this group so that I can be reminded of just how good we have it, and important it is to be appreciative. Its just so refreshing!
Tuesday the provincial of the Passionist Order came to Honduras and we spent the day with him and a few of his assistants. The provincial is the head hauncho basically, kind of an important guy. It was really ncie to spend time with him, and see their interpretations of what we do and waht projects we have going on. Its good to look at things with fresh eyes at times, and they certianly were insightful. We met them at their hotel, then all went to see a clinic the Passionists have in Tegucigalpa. It was a really cool operation, and they recieve a lot of aide from the states. One of the people we went with was a doctor from the states that is really instrumental in bringing down supplies, getting funding for the clinic, and getting improvements for the clinic.Up Until a couple of years ago they didn´t even have bathrooms there, and he helped fundraise to get them. Oh the simple things in life! After that we went to the casa (the AIDS hospice we go to) that is owned by the Passionists as well, and had a nice mass and a nice lunch with the residents, the director and some others. The food was great, and it was a nice change of pace to spend time with people with different perspectives and see their takes on things.
Wednesday brought a day at the clinic, and a good one at that. Although it wasn´t particulary busy, we spoke with a nursing instructor that will be bringing nursing students down over the next 6 or so weeks. Melissa and I are going to help them learn different things about public health, and translate for them. Although I would like to think that i´m going to be able to teach something, i´m sure that the nursing students will definetly teach me much more, and raise some good questions for me. We will be taking them to the health center in town as well, and that will be a new experience for all of us.
Thursday we went to Terrero, my favorite aldea. We walked up because the car was being used, and just had a really nice day. We met some nice people on the walk up, and talked to them for a while before they invited us into their homes to visit! People are so welcoming here! We went about our rounds, and just had a lot of fun. Its really nice to go up there. I know it will always be a good day when I visit them, and I think they do a lot more for me than i do for them! Regardless I had a ball!
Friday brought some meetings and business type stuff since our boss just came back from Jamaica, and Saturday was a good day for laundry, reading, a nice long walk, etc. It was a really nice week, and i´m excited about the week to come as well.
Tuesday the provincial of the Passionist Order came to Honduras and we spent the day with him and a few of his assistants. The provincial is the head hauncho basically, kind of an important guy. It was really ncie to spend time with him, and see their interpretations of what we do and waht projects we have going on. Its good to look at things with fresh eyes at times, and they certianly were insightful. We met them at their hotel, then all went to see a clinic the Passionists have in Tegucigalpa. It was a really cool operation, and they recieve a lot of aide from the states. One of the people we went with was a doctor from the states that is really instrumental in bringing down supplies, getting funding for the clinic, and getting improvements for the clinic.Up Until a couple of years ago they didn´t even have bathrooms there, and he helped fundraise to get them. Oh the simple things in life! After that we went to the casa (the AIDS hospice we go to) that is owned by the Passionists as well, and had a nice mass and a nice lunch with the residents, the director and some others. The food was great, and it was a nice change of pace to spend time with people with different perspectives and see their takes on things.
Wednesday brought a day at the clinic, and a good one at that. Although it wasn´t particulary busy, we spoke with a nursing instructor that will be bringing nursing students down over the next 6 or so weeks. Melissa and I are going to help them learn different things about public health, and translate for them. Although I would like to think that i´m going to be able to teach something, i´m sure that the nursing students will definetly teach me much more, and raise some good questions for me. We will be taking them to the health center in town as well, and that will be a new experience for all of us.
Thursday we went to Terrero, my favorite aldea. We walked up because the car was being used, and just had a really nice day. We met some nice people on the walk up, and talked to them for a while before they invited us into their homes to visit! People are so welcoming here! We went about our rounds, and just had a lot of fun. Its really nice to go up there. I know it will always be a good day when I visit them, and I think they do a lot more for me than i do for them! Regardless I had a ball!
Friday brought some meetings and business type stuff since our boss just came back from Jamaica, and Saturday was a good day for laundry, reading, a nice long walk, etc. It was a really nice week, and i´m excited about the week to come as well.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Hello! Hope that everyone had a great holiday season, and are enjoying their new years. I have a few pictures that we took on Roatan, and am waiting on more from dad, so hopefully we can get the rest up soon. I guess what I have is just a sneek peek at whats to come! We had a great vacation! The island was beautiful, and I was really happy to just have them here. They came down to town for a few days, and I did my best to give them a taste of life here. I think they enjoyed the sights and food, and more than anything the people. Then we went up north to Roatan, literally paradise. We spend a few days just enjoying each others company, playing cards, snorkeling and swimming, etc. We got daring one day and did canopy tours that consist of putting on a harness and attaching yourself to zip lines and flying over the jungle. Terrifying, but beautiful! The last day we rented a car and did an island tour a la dad, and really got a good picture of what life on the island is like. Its jut like in any other town in Honduras, you just had to go looking for it. Hope you enjoy the pics!

The house we stayed in on the island

The house we stayed in on the island
Monday, January 5, 2009
A bit late...
Hi everyone! I wrote the following before christmas, so sorry if its a bit late, but i finally got to the internet. Things are going well right now. Just got back from a much needed vacation with the family! I promise to get pics up as soon as I get them from dad. Hope all is well!
This week has been a really good one so far, and I’m even more excited about the things still yet to come. Father Lucian, the director of our program came in to help us celebrate Christmas here, and we certainly have been celebrating. There still have been several special masses with him celebrating with the people. We finished our last convivio with a final mass in the church on Friday, followed by lots of food. All of the groups of the church were invited, and all of the groups involved brought food, meaning we ate a lot of amazing typical food. There were talamlitos, enchiladas, catrachas, rosquillas con mile, etc,etc. Of course, it was only right that we bring something as well, being a represented group from the church, so Friday I spent the day making 400 cookies. At first I was very excited (I love coking), but by the end I was just tired, and well had a stomach ache (you have to test your cooking to make sure it’s not poisonous!). It was a really nice celebration, and at the end of the night all of the cookies were gone, so I was happy they at least found good homes.
We also have been working on a play for the children of the women in our domestic violence support group, and we had the play Sunday during children’s mass, and also Monday for the moms that couldn’t make it on Sunday. The kids did a great job and they were really thrilled to get all the attention that they don’t usually get. The moms were happy to see their kids excel as well, so I think it was really win win for everyone. A lot of the families that are in the group aren’t well off to say the least, and its very easy to get stereotyped as the poor dirty kid here. When these kids do finally get positive attention and the praise they deserve, I think it reinforces a lot of things including their self esteem and their sense of belonging. I think that we will continue to work with this group of kids, and hopefully it can continue to teach them we do care about them and that they are talented and worth the time and energy.
We finished our food drive for the libra de amor, and ended up with over 60 pounds of food to distribute over eleven houses. We divided it all up and put it in bags on Monday, then started bringing it around. Our first stops were two elderly women that lived alone, were widowed and infirmed, and I think they were very deserving. It’s hard to distinguish who is more deserving than the others, all the people here certainly could use some assistance, food, and love, but we worked with Luis, a member of the community, and Ramon, a delegate of the word in one of the communities in town to find families and people. We then went to a few houses that had lots of children that needed some love and food, then to some other elderly people. Here, if elderly people don’t have family to help them, they certainly can’t work, and its just not a good situation. It made all of us very happy to bring something, even as basic as food, to these people, and we were also glad to get into different parts of town, and work with people we hadn’t met previously. I was also really glad we had some Hondurans to go with us, because we, as a group, don’t give out handouts, and we don’t want to do things for people they can’t do for themselves. By bringing the Hondurans, we got more people involved, gave a face to the projects that wasn’t white, and hopefully inspired these Honduras to continue the project after we have left.
Today we are going up to one of the aldeas to celebrate Christmas eve, then mass and some more visiting.
This week has been a really good one so far, and I’m even more excited about the things still yet to come. Father Lucian, the director of our program came in to help us celebrate Christmas here, and we certainly have been celebrating. There still have been several special masses with him celebrating with the people. We finished our last convivio with a final mass in the church on Friday, followed by lots of food. All of the groups of the church were invited, and all of the groups involved brought food, meaning we ate a lot of amazing typical food. There were talamlitos, enchiladas, catrachas, rosquillas con mile, etc,etc. Of course, it was only right that we bring something as well, being a represented group from the church, so Friday I spent the day making 400 cookies. At first I was very excited (I love coking), but by the end I was just tired, and well had a stomach ache (you have to test your cooking to make sure it’s not poisonous!). It was a really nice celebration, and at the end of the night all of the cookies were gone, so I was happy they at least found good homes.
We also have been working on a play for the children of the women in our domestic violence support group, and we had the play Sunday during children’s mass, and also Monday for the moms that couldn’t make it on Sunday. The kids did a great job and they were really thrilled to get all the attention that they don’t usually get. The moms were happy to see their kids excel as well, so I think it was really win win for everyone. A lot of the families that are in the group aren’t well off to say the least, and its very easy to get stereotyped as the poor dirty kid here. When these kids do finally get positive attention and the praise they deserve, I think it reinforces a lot of things including their self esteem and their sense of belonging. I think that we will continue to work with this group of kids, and hopefully it can continue to teach them we do care about them and that they are talented and worth the time and energy.
We finished our food drive for the libra de amor, and ended up with over 60 pounds of food to distribute over eleven houses. We divided it all up and put it in bags on Monday, then started bringing it around. Our first stops were two elderly women that lived alone, were widowed and infirmed, and I think they were very deserving. It’s hard to distinguish who is more deserving than the others, all the people here certainly could use some assistance, food, and love, but we worked with Luis, a member of the community, and Ramon, a delegate of the word in one of the communities in town to find families and people. We then went to a few houses that had lots of children that needed some love and food, then to some other elderly people. Here, if elderly people don’t have family to help them, they certainly can’t work, and its just not a good situation. It made all of us very happy to bring something, even as basic as food, to these people, and we were also glad to get into different parts of town, and work with people we hadn’t met previously. I was also really glad we had some Hondurans to go with us, because we, as a group, don’t give out handouts, and we don’t want to do things for people they can’t do for themselves. By bringing the Hondurans, we got more people involved, gave a face to the projects that wasn’t white, and hopefully inspired these Honduras to continue the project after we have left.
Today we are going up to one of the aldeas to celebrate Christmas eve, then mass and some more visiting.
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