This frist pic is an absolutely rediculous one of sean, myself, melissa and mike (fellow volunteers minus joe the photographer) with the tarantula we captured and kept for a pet for a while.
Next to that is me and some kiddos at the group´street kids. Here we spend time every sunday with a group of kids that are especially unruly and undisciplined, and try and make it through without killting them! They are great kids, and with some time and energy are learning a lot!
Lately we have been doing lots of meetings, visiting, etc etc. Its been nice to finally meet with one of the padres from the church and a retired teacher who is very active in the community, and just be able to pick their brains. They had a lot of valuable info for us about the town and the surrounding aldeas, and i think the priest will be taking us up to other aldeas asap, as long as we don´t get too much rain. when we gt a lot of rain, after all it is the rainy season, its hard to access a lot of places, especially those places that need the most help! But all in due time....We also met with the head of the AIDS hopsice we will be spending time at, and visited with the internos for a while. It is a great palce that was founded on great priniciples, and i am excited to be able to spend more time there in the future.
Thanks to those who have spend time to post comments, send letter and packages. Although I love what i´m doing down ehre and it is very rewarding, I love the support from home, it really helps me through the tough days!
Love to all!
nice shirt in the top picture!!
so proud of you lauren and jealous! i miss it so much, i think of honduras everyday. keep on keepin on lauren, miss you and i WILL see you soon. <33333 paz dude.
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