Hello all! Sorry í´ve been a bit slow about new posts... its busy down here! Lately we have just been working on language, and trying to get into the flow of things. We have so many great ideas every day, we just have to wait to execute them once we build the relationships necessary. Here its all about relationships first, then work. Its a hard concept for us to grasp, with the way we conduct business at home, with work being the priority, but here, it allows us to really have better realtionships, something I think I could get used to! Also, it allows us to better learn the language and the customs before we have to really get cracking on projects, so we are actually able to get things done!
A few days ago we went to one of the aldeas to just visit with some of the families there. It was awkward at first, picking up where the old volunteers had left off, but in no time at all we were visiting like pros. Its funny to think that you ahve to learn to just visit, something so simple, but its a foreign concept to me to just talk, for hours, with pretty much perfect strangers! I love it. The kids were very welcoming, and we ended up playing with them for hours. Although the language was a bit difficult at times, we sang and danced and just played, without toys, or nintendos, or any other props than our voices and our bodies. It was an incredible feeling to be able to have such a good time with literally nothing.
We have also been working in the schools a good amount. Today at recess, I hung out with a group of girls and we played a game called Lima (I think thats how you spell it). Which consisted of either me chasing all of them, or all of them chasing me. I honestly don´t know how the rules work, but i know they had fun, and apparenlty without knowing it i told them i would play again tomorrow! Eh, its a good time, and it could always be worse!
We are currently prepping for a weekend long campaign against domestic violence, which is a real issue here. All of the different church related groups are getting together to organize a march, a rally, and different events throughout the weekend. Im excited that the community is allowing us to help them. It should be a great time for us to meet other people, and it will be thrilling to be in the middle of the events.
I also have been helping one of the girls in town with her english homework. It has helped me a lot to learn spanish by focusing on the gramatical aspects of the english language and having to translate them. I look forward to spending more time with the girl and her family. They made me lots of food to thank me for helping, although obviously no thanks were necessary. They invited me over to dinner on wednesday also, as more thanks, and are really taking me in. It feels great to be so welcomed!
Thanks for all your posts in reponse! Keep ém coming!
Love to all!
Hi Lauren
I love your blog entries!
When you talk of building relationships, I think of what an important ability that is to possess in your future profession as a nurse. What makes a 'good' nurse is that ability, even in the shorter-term.
Lauren helping with grammar? Seriously, I'm sure you are wonderful with it!!
I love you! Mom
I enjoyed the blog but I think you could have found a better picture of yourself. You look dog tired!
Love dad
Is the picture of your house?? Hope you are having fun! The dog looks like a better pet than the tarantula!
Oso!!!! Give that dog some love from me... and expect an email soon. Paz amiga!
Love the (chalked?) smiley on the side of the house and that dog is beautiful! IS that your home? So thankful for your blogs. Hugs!
Love the (chalked?) smiley on the side of the house and that dog is beautiful! IS that your home? So thankful for your blogs. Hugs!
Yes that is our house! Oso our dog is also featured, not myself (but thanks dad).
ok i am finally leaving a post.. so i missed the memo- you have a dog?
also i wanted you to know i was laughing outloud at the idea of a group of little girls chasing you around.. sounds like a funny game
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